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1.How Do I Register for an Account?

We recommend that you use your email address as your username, as this makes it much easier to remember. Please make sure that your password is at least 8 characters in length with letters and numbers included.

2. I Cannot Log in to My Account.

Check your login details carefully. Make sure the email address is the same one you used for registration, and that the password you entered is correct. Please make sure that your web browser accepts cookies. It might be an issue caused by MEPSKING system maintenance; please wait 15 minutes and try again. If you are still not able to access your account, please contact us via our customer support email at

3. I Forgot My Password.

If you forgot your password, just click the "Forgot your password?" link on the "Sign in" page, and we will send an automated email to you with information on how to reset your password.

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